All posts by Derek Vreeland

  • Appalachian Trail Georgia Section Hike: Day 2

    Monday, June 9, 2014
    8.1 miles to Deep Gap Shelter

    Woke up this morning at 8 AM to the voice of my brother saying, “Derek, you up?” He had already got up and pulled down our food bags from the bear cables. There are black bears in this area so people hang their food from a high branch or from cables if they have been installed at the shelter. We didn’t see any bear activity, which is to be expected.

    I got up and ate a typical hikers’ breakfast: pop tarts, oatmeal, and coffee. I started packing up when nature called. I had the wonderful opportunity of visiting the privy behind the shelter. Most shelters have a composting privy which, despite the way you may imagine it, is a bit of a luxury on the trail.

    We started hiking at 10 AM. We stopped for a break at Cowart Gap and I reached into my front pouch hanging from my shoulder straps on my pack looking for a Snikers bar. My to my dismay I discovered a mouse had a midnight snack in my pouch last night. I left my pack hanging in the shelter and I forgot to take my snacks out of the pouch. A mouse had eat quite a bit out of the top of my Snikers. Lesson learned. Keep food out of the shelter.

    We hiked on to Dick’s Creek Gap passing a Boy Scout troop on their way to Deep Gap where we started a yesterday. We filled up on water and then ate lunch on the stone picnic tables at Dick’s Creek. We did get a cell phone signal (I have an AT&T iPhone 5S) even though AWOL’s guide said there was no signal there. I sent a few texts home and then searched for a trash can but none was found.

    With our bellies full we hiked up the 1200 foot climb up Powell Mountain. This was the hardest climb of the hike so far. The ascent was 1200 feet over 1.8 miles. I tend to hike faster than the other guys so I took lead. I suggested we meet at the Moreland Gap but for whatever reason I missed the gap. Once I got to the top of Powell Mountain I started leaving arrows made of sticks on the trail hoping they would see them and know that I was hiking on. I made it to the Vista campsite (.1 mile off the trail) and followed the blue blaze to the vista. The Appalachian Trail (AT) is marked with a white blaze, a 2 inch by 6 inch white rectangle painted on trees or rocks or whatever trail maintainers can find. I blue blaze is the same size and shape but it marks a side trail off the AT.

    As I made my way along the blue blaze trail, I passed the campsite and a little further down the trail, I could see the clearing through the trees. I could feel my heart racing. I turned the corner and saw the massive view. After hiking in the “green tunnel” for two days, it was an overwhelming sight. I literally got chill bumps and I whispered a spontaneous prayer, “O my God…this is incredible.”

    I sat for a moment, enjoying the view and then I hiked the back to the AT to make sure John and Jeff didn’t miss it. Once we all made it to the vista we sat for a while enjoying the view. We then hiked the 1 mile hike to the Deep Gap Shelter. We spent the night with three other section hikers. Kendall and Amanda who are on a two month hike and Sentor, a guy hiking from Spring Mountain in Georgia to Hot Springs, North Carolina. They’re hiking North. They were all very talkative and friendly. We enjoyed eating supper with them, laughing and talking about our hiking adventures.

    We collected wood and made a fire. We sat by the fire as the sun was going down. I had another good cell signal so I was able to talk to Jenni and upload some pictures.

    It was a great day. We only did eight miles but we had a tough climb, but we enjoyed a great view and good company at the shelter.

  • Appalachian Trail Georgia Section Hike: Day 1

    Sunday, June 8, 2014
    11.3 miles to Plumorchard Gap Shelter

    Woke up about 6:45 AM at the cabin. I slept on the top bunk and hit my head on the (moving) ceiling fan on my way down the ladder. Ouch! Any remaining cobwebs in my head were blown out by the cold shower I took after bumping the ceiling fan. No need for coffee, I was awake! We ran into town to get a biscuit and coffee at Hardee’s.

    We drove to Amicalola State Park and registered. I was section hiker #1380. We walked around the visitor center looking at AT maps and souvenirs, when, through the back glass doors, I saw the start of the Approach Trail and the iconic archway. I stepped out and walked towards the archway. It didn’t seem real. I had seen dozens of pictures of thru hikers standing under the archway. I didn’t take any pictures because this is my finish line. I will be back there in 8-10 days.

    I did have two section hikers ask me to take their picture under the arch. They were headed up the Approach Trail.

    My friend Gabe drove us into North Carolina and then down the winding gravel road to Deep Gap. I got my picture taken by the first white blaze I saw and then we got a group picture…then we were off to hike the Appalachian Trail!

    We headed south on the AT and passes about a dozen or so hikers going northbound. The first guy we passed looked like a real hiker. He had a full beard and REI gaiters. He just had the look of a real hiker. We asked how he was doing and he answered with a smile, “Living the dream!” I smiled in return and thought yeah me too buddy, I am loving the dream. We ended up passing a dozen or so hiker who were heading North. I passed one guy and we both stopped and chatted for a moment. He was from “up North,” which turned out to be Tennessee. He asked me what brought me out to the trail and I said that I was hiking the Georgia section for my 40th birthday. As I walked away, it hit me, I was really doing this. I was hiking on the Appalachian Trail. I was nearly overcome with emotion.

    We stopped for lunch at the Muskrat Creek Shelter. We talked to Donna a seasoned section hiker, about gear and life in the trail. We also talked to two guys who were recovering alcoholics hiking the trail to stay sober.

    After lunch we headed out and soon made it to the North Carolina / Georgia border. We stopped and took pictures by the “NC/GA” sign and rested on some rocks. We hiked the final 4 miles to the Plumb Orchard Gap Shelter. The hiking had some nice heart-thumbing climbs, but nothing to difficult. We had our last climb up and over As Knob and I hiked ahead of John and Jeff. I made it to the shelter by about 6:15 PM.

    We gathered water, I set up my hammock and tarp, and we talked to Paul, a carpenter from Wisconsin, who was staying at the shelter. We ate and talked about the day as the sun was going down. We hung our bear bags before dark and John was snoring in the cabin before Jeff and I got in bed. I made my way into the hammock by 10 PM. It is much cooler than I expected, probably in the low 60s or upper 50s. I did get a cell signal and was able to call Jenni and pray for Dylan as he was going to sleep. We talked for a half an hour. Now I am typing out this blog and getting ready to dream about tomorrow.

  • Appalachian Trail Georgia Section Hike: Day 0

    The day before the hike
    Saturday, June 7, 2014

    Driving to the airport in the rain and I have a strange mix of emotions. I am excited, no doubt. This trip has been two years in the making. I think I have literally thought about the trail everyday over the last twelve months. So I am thrilled to be a day away from this adventure but I am also wrestling with a little guilt. I have never left my family for this long to do something I wanted to do. I have gone on mission trips, camps, conferences, speaking engagements, BUT I have never asked my wife to bear the full responsibility of the family so I could go on a little 10 day adventure. She is so gracious to let me go, but I here this nagging voice in my head saying, “This is wrong.” I know it is true but it has my heart tied up in knots.

    And I feel a bit sad. Dylan, my four-year-old and my youngest wants to go with me. How do I tell a four-year-old with his arms wrapped around me, “You can’t go with Daddy on this trip.”

    “When I get way big?” he asked.

    “Yes. When you get way big we will go hiking together.

    I will miss him. I will miss all the boys…and Jenni too.

    I read Becoming Odyssa by Jen Pharr Davis on the flight to Georgia. I started it this winter, but didn’t get very far. I restarted the book at the terminal waiting on my flight. I have listened to Jen (via podcast) talk about her adventures on the trail so I here her voice in my head. She is a good writer. Very descriptive. I hope to finish the book on the return flight. I liked what she said about hiking the trail as a bear (a Christian) among the squirrels (non-Christians). She writes, “They kept their distance and feared I would eat them, when really I just wanted to dine on berries and live peaceably in the woods.” (pg. 68). Ha! I agree.

    Jen struggled on what to write in the register at Springer Mountain. She ended up writing “I’ve always heard New England is nice; look forward to being there this summer.” It made me think about what I may write in the register when I make it to Springer towards the end of my journey. Maybe: “Best of all — the God of the trail is with is.” Or maybe: “You are a collection of the stories you tell. Make your story one to remember.”

    She wrote a particularly beautiful passage in Chapter 9 describing her experience on Little Hump Bald in Tennessee when she was overcome by God’s beauty and shouted “Praise God” and then felt like a “dork” (her words). Then she writes: “The mountains were singing the praises of God beautifully and without shame. I wished I could be more like a mountain” (pg 88).

    My friend, Gabe Theiss, picked me up at the airport and we headed to Ellijay, Georgia. He has a friend with a cabin just outside of Ellijay and offered to let us stay there for the night. We ate some good southern BBQ for supper and got caught up. I hadn’t seen Gabe for nearly two years. He was planning on hiking with us but has to back out due to a foot injury. We started watched Forrest Gump on VHS waiting in my brother Jeff and our mutual friend John who are hiking with me.

    They showed up to the cabin by 9 PM and brought donuts. Score! We ate donuts and watched the rest of Forrest Gump while going over our gear. Jeff brought some extra suppers from Pak-It-Gormet. I substituted stovetop stuffing for some gumbo mix and I added some bean burrito mix. I also added some instant pudding mix. Triple score!

    Looking forward to starting the hike.

  • Food List: Appalachian Trail Section Hike

    I am ten days away from hiking the Georgia section of the Appalachian Trial. I am trying to contain my excitement, but it is becoming difficult. In between responsibilities at church and home, every other thought these days seems to be focused on the hike. I have completed my food list for the hike and I thought I may share it with you.


    This is an example of four days worth of food. (The only thing not in video is pepperoni slices and summer sausage.) I hope to complete the Georgia section (from Deep Gap in North Carolina to Amicalola State Park) in nine days. I will be carrying five days worth of food. I will mail the food I need for the final four days to Mountain Crossings, an outfitter on the trail at Neel’s Gap. The great people at Mountain Crossing will hold on to my “mail drop” until I arrive there.

    I have experimented with different kinds of trail food over the last year or so and I have figured out what I like. I am always paying attention to calorie density, trying to the get the most calories for the least amount of weight. My goal is to eat at least 4,000 calories a day, which is TWICE the average calorie intake by the average person on an average day. But hiking is not “average.” From what I hear, hiking in the North Georgia mountains is more strenuous than most people think, so I want to make sure I have plenty of fuel for my body. It is a high carb diet and yes a lot of junk food. I plan on taking a multivitamin every morning, which I am sure will cancel out all toxins in the poptart I will be eating everyday!

    This is pretty standard hiking food, the only thing unique about my food is my gorp. One bag is over 1000 calories! It is a simple recipe:

    • 1/4 cup peanut butter M&Ms
    • 1/4 cup honey roasted peanuts
    • 1/2 cup of yogurt covered raisins

    It is pretty sweet, but I like it a lot. I will not eat a full bag everyday. I am bringing three bags for the first five days. Here is my complete food list with calorie amounts per item.

    2 poptarts 400
    2 pks rasin & spice oatmeal 320
    Folders coffee/splenda 0
    2 med tortillias 280
    2 Peanut Butter cups to go 500
    4 honey packs 200
    1/4 cup dried blueberries 140
    2 med tortillias 280
    2 tuna pouches 120
    4 mayo pks 140
    28 cheez its 150
    1 snickers 250
    2 med tortillias 280
    4 cheese sticks 320
    32 peporoni slices 280
    2/3 cup dried pineapple 315
    Mountain House 550 550
    instant mashpotatoes 440
    12 summer sausage bites 200
    Nekot cookies 240
    2 med tortillias 280
    spanish rice 600
    4 cheese sticks 320
    2 Taco Bell hot sause packs 20
    2 packs ramen 760
    56 cheezits (hot & spice) 300
    1/2 oz of olive oil 125
    1/2 box stove top stuffing 330
    12 summer sausage bites 200
    2/3 cup dried pineapple 315
    Nekot cookies 240
    Gatorade mix 50 50
    Cliff bar 260 260
    Snikers 240 240
    misc. candy 100 100
    1/4 yougurt covered rasins 300 300
    Great Value beef jerkey 10 oz 800 800
    1/4 cup pb M&Ms 220
    1/4 cup honey roasted peanuts 190
    1/2 cup yougurt covered rasins 600


  • My Gear List: Appalachian Trail Section Hike

    With less than three weeks before my section hike on the Appalachian Trail, I have (finally!) finished gathering all the gear I will need for the hike. I may have some last minute additions or deletions, but I feel good with the gear I have for THE BIG hike. I have learned so much from watching other gear videos that I am submitting my own. I am passing on what I have learned from others and adding a few tips I have come up with on my own. My complete gear list is below the video.

    My base weight (minus food and water) is just under 14 lbs. Much of the work that has gone into gear selection for this hike has been learning how to pack lighter. When I started hiking six years ago I was carrying a 40 lb. pack. I have enjoyed the challenge of learning how to get my pack lighter without spending thousands of dollars and without giving up too many comforts. After three shakedown hikes this Spring covering 51 miles, I am confident my gear will get me through the Georgia section.

    Here is the video:

    Here is the complete gear list:

    ULA Circuit 43
    trashbag liner 5.2
    BIAS Weight Weenie Hammock 9
    BIAS suspension 4.6
    Tarp & stakes 24.6
    Coleman 40 deg sleeping bag 35.6
    32 oz Coloman solo max pot 5.8
    alcohol stove & measuring cup 1
    MSR folding spoon 0.4
    MSR folding spoon fork 0.4
    windscreen & paper clip 0.4
    camp soap & scrubbing pad 0.8
    2 oz olive oil bottle 2.2
    knife, lighter, lanyard 1.4
    bowl 1.2
    aluminum foil lid 0
    Zpacks pack towl & elastic band 1
    Smartwool socks 1 pair 1.4
    Long sleeve cotton t-shirt 9.5
    Nike running shorts 5.2
    Frogg Toggs rain jacket 6
    Knee brace 3.2
    Stick Pic and phone holder 0.8
    Sawyer Mini water filter 1.8
    1 Liter Sawyer bag 1.2
    1 Liter Platypus 0.8
    Sawyer backwash syringe 1
    headnet 0.8
    iPhone, case, charger, earbuds 8
    iPod shuffle and charger 0.8
    id, insurance & debt card, cash 1
    Nite Ize 50′ 2.4 mm cord 2.4
    10′ paracord & carabiner 0.8
    50′ paracord 3.2
    matches 0.1
    headlamp 3.4
    trail maps 1.6
    deck of cards 3.2
    iTorch external battery & cord 5.4
    4 gallon size ziplocks 1.2
    zip ties 0.2
    plastic rain kilt 2.6
    Outdoor Research food bag 2.6
    First aid kit 2.2
    Colman biodegradable wipes 3.2
    face wipes 0.2
    mirror 0.8
    hand sanitizer 1.2
    toothbrush and toothpaste 0.8
    Chapstick 0.2
    sunscreen 2.2
    insect repellent 1.4
    Body glide 2.2
    Gold bond 1.2
    blue stuff sack 0.8
    TOTAL 221.2 13 lbs 13.2 ozs
  • Hiking in the Rain

    My long-awaited section hike on the Appalachian Trail is almost here. I have less than a month to go. If you have read my other hiking-related blogs you know that I am a fanatical planner. I have literally been planning this 9 (or 10) day hike for more than a year. I enjoy the planning. I enjoy the learning. I enjoy thinking through various scenarios and working out a plan in my head. I enjoy the details. I especially enjoy talking about the hike with anyone who asks!

    One of the final tasks in preparation for my section hike was hiking in the rain. I can now check that off my list. I had a chance to hike 3.5 miles in the rain today at a local mountain bike/running trail.


    It rained last night and continued raining this morning until about 7:30 AM. I watched the weather all morning waiting for it to rain. I could see on the weather app on my phone that a storm cell was heading in my direction. I started hiking about 12:50 PM and it started raining within the first 30 minutes. It was a slow, but steady, rain. I heard thunder in the distance, but nothing close to me. It has been raining a good amount this Spring, so the trail was lush and green.


    The entire trail is 2 miles end-to-end. I stopped before the end and turned back, in order to hike the trail as an out-and-back. On the first half of the trail I tried to stay out of the mud puddles. By the time I turned around and was on the second half, my feet were soaked so I said “What the heck!” I stomped through the puddles no matter how deep, splashing around in the mud like a 5-year old after a rainstorm.


    The bill of my hat kept rain off my face and my Dri-Ducks Frogg Toggs jacket kept my upper body dry. The only moisture on my shirt was from sweat. I don’t know how “breathable” this jacket is. It was humid today but not too hot. Any hotter and I would have been wet from sweat. My shoes and socks were soaked but my feet were fine. I did have to stop twice to get debris out of my right shoe. Maybe I should look into gaiters before the hike? My shorts were soaked. I did not apply Body Glide and I am lucky I did not start chaffing. If I had to hike all day in rain like that WITHOUT Body Glide, I would have been in trouble.

    Pulling out my phone to shoot video and take pictures was a bit of a hassle in then rain. I shot video when the rain stopped for a couple minutes. I pulled out my phone to catch a few pictures of the trail and the obligatory hiking selfie.


    It worked well keeping my phone in a ziplock bag in my front pouch. I did have to take it out of the ziplock to get a good picture. I will NOT try to do that in heavy rain.

    My pack got wet but the contractor’s trash bag on the inside kept everything dry. I feel confident with going with the trash bag instead of a pack cover.

    Overall, I give myself a passing grade for hiking in the rain. I feel ready for rain on the AT next month. I plan on blogging on my gear and food before the hike. I have learned so much from watching gear videos from other hikers, I am eager to submit my own.

    Here is a short video from today’s rainy hike:

  • Men’s Hike 2014

    Ten guys from our church (myself included) headed out to hike 15 miles through Indian Cave State Park in southeast Nebraska. I just hiked this trail 2 weeks ago. We had a great hike. For me this was my last shake down hike before my 95-mile hike on the Georgia section of the Appalachian Trail next month.

    We started our hike on Trail 8 at about 11:30 or so.


    We quickly took the 8A trail and hiked along the Missouri River before we turned West towards the Trail 6 trailhead. We stopped in a grassy spot for lunch. We walked down the road towards the Trail 5 trailhead but we took a slight detour. We heard gunfire when we were eating lunch and while walking down the road we saw where it was coming from. There was a fire range, where a small group of people were shooting front-loading muskets. At the road in front of the range was a sign that said “Bake Sale.” They were selling baked goods and “ice cold pop.” They even had Diet Dr. Pepper!


    We continued down the road to Trail 5 (also called the Hardwood Trail). We enjoyed the hike with sunny skies and temps around 80 degrees. We took the 5A trail which took us through a large open meadow. We took a break in the shade to get out of the sun for a moment.


    We made it to camp by about 4 PM, which gave us plenty of time to set up camp and collect firewood. I set up my hammock and rested for a little bit.


    After supper, a few of us played pitch in the shelter until it got too dark. After 9 PM we roasted marshmallows and then played “Werewolves,” a role-playing game my son Wesley introduced us to. We enjoyed it and ended up playing for about an hour and a half. It was a perfect campfire game. By 10:30 we were all ready for bed.

    With overnight lows in the 50s, I thought I could get away with just my 40 degree down sleeping bag. I was wrong! I haven’t bought an underquilt yet and I have successfully slept in my hammock with temps in the low 50s by putting a sleeping bag underneath the bag I was sleeping in but on top of the hammock. On this trip I thought I would try sleeping in the hammock with just my sleeping bag and with no insulation. BIG MISTAKE!

    With the cool air blowing underneath me, I woke up cold at about midnight. I watched some Seinfeld episodes on my phone and listened to music before falling back to sleep about 2:00 or so. At 3:00 AM I woke up cold AND I had to pee. As I got up to “use the facilities” I saw someone had stoked up the fire. I walked over and found Robert warming himself by the fire. He too got up to pee and was cold so he decided to get warm before getting back in his tent. We stood there talking and looking at the brilliant night sky when we heard the zipper open on another hammock camper. We watched as Chris got up to do the same thing we had to do then he stumbled toward the fire to get warm. The three of us talked until 3:30, when we each decided to get some sleep. I got back in my hammock and dosed off to sleep.

    At 5:30 AM I woke up this time shivering in my sleeping bag. I could see that it was dawn and the birds had begun their morning medley. I got up and grabbed my sleeping bag, stove, and food bag. I stoked up the fire, wrapped myself in my sleeping bag, and started boiling water for coffee. It didn’t take long to warm up. The rest of the guys started waking up as the sun was rising above the bluff overlooking our camp.


    After breakfast we packed up. I led us in a brief worship service, as it was Sunday morning. I prayed the Psalm for the Day (Psalm 124) and read Scriptures from Ephesians 4. I talked about the things that build up the church, reminding the guys that church is not the build but the church is the gathering of the baptized, those who gather to worship Jesus, pray the prayers, read Scripture, and celebrate the Eucharist. I read the prayer for the week and then led the Prayer of Confession before communion. We said our amens and headed out.

    The rest of the Hardwood Trail had a lot more ups and downs. I loved it. I treated every uphill climb as a way to train for the North Georgia Mountains on the AT. I normally was the first up the hill or the first one to the bottom which put me in a good position to take a few pictures.





    We intended on hiking to the “cave,” but we made a last minute decision to skip the cave and hike up to the best view in the park, a campsite on top of a bluff overlooking the rolling bluffs along the Missouri River.


    From there it was a short hike down to the parking lot. We all changed shirts, drove down to the cave, and then headed out for lunch, an all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet. Overall it was a great hike, minus the chilly night! I am now ready for the AT! Can’t wait to start my section hike in about a month.

    Here is a video of the trip:

    Here are some more pictures:





  • Indian Cave State Park Hike: April 15-16, 2014

    Following two days of rest at home after my hike on the Cedar Creek Trail, I headed out with my oldest son Wesley and my friend Barry and his son Alex on a 15-mile, two-day hike at Indian Cave State Park just North of Fall City, Nebraska. It was spring break for the boys so we were hiking on a Tuesday and Wednesday.


    After stopping at a Subway we made it to the park a little after 1PM. We had to pay $5 for parking and a total of $13 for camping. We drove through the state park stopping along the way to check out one of our road crossings. We arrived at the backpacking parking lot in between Trailhead 8 and Trailhead 9/10 and loaded up our packs. We had packed ar 15 parts, in- case we happened to land at a hunting spot, which is highly unlikely in India.


    We started the hike at Trailhead 8 at 1:50 PM. A few minutes down the 8 trail, we came across the first of many intersections to come. We turned right and went down the 8A trail, which followed along the river.



    There had been a controlled burn in this part of the state park recently. Some of the fallen trees were still still smoldering. Even though it was mid April, there were still no leaves on the trees. The 8A joined the 8 trail and we were headed towards Trailhead 6. We came across an intersection not marked on the map and had to use a map and compass to determine the right way to go. We chose to go right which turned out to be the right turn.

    Trailhead 6 opened up to the road. We went right and walked along the road to Trailhead 5.


    The map showed at water source by this trailhead and we found it but….the water that came up out of the pump was rusty. As I filled up my clear water bottle it looked like bad orange juice. I ended up taking it to camp to use as water to cook with. I ended up straining it through my pack towel as I poured it into my pot!

    Trailhead 5 is the beginning of the Hardwood Trail and it is the best hiking in the park. The trail has been cut wide, presumably for horses. Speaking of horses, it looked like they have blazed a few new trails for horses but have not put up signs. We hit quite a few intersections where we had to stop and figure out which way to go. I do not mind sharing the trail with our equestrian friends but c’mon peeps give me some signage!

    We hiked down the Hardwood Trail until we got to an intersection for 5A. The 5A trail eventually re-joins the 5 trail, but it adds a mile or so to the hike, so of course we took it. 5A took us along two open meadows. We walked along the tree line until we entered back into the woods.


    We stopped at the first shelter we passed on the Hardwood Trail, but decided to press on to the next shelter about a mile away. After the 5A rejoined the 5 trail in the woods, the trail had us going up and down the bluffs. Parts of the trail were muddy. It was sunny while we were hiking so the trail was dry (but soft). If it had been a rainy day, the trail would have been a muddy mess.


    We made it to the second shelter about 7PM. It had a fire ring and a few flat spots for about 2-3 tents. Barry and I went to work setting up our tents while the boys collected fire wood. It was going to be too cold to sleep in the hammock bit I set it up to lounge in before supper. As the sun went down, the temperature started to drop so we lit the fire and started supper. Wesley and I had stove top stuffing with summer sausage bites.



    The fire turned into a disaster. Some of the large logs we put on the fire were obviously waterlogged, because they began to smoke terribly. We cleaned up as fast as we could and retreated to Barry and Alex’s tent to play pitch, the older men versus the young men.


    The young men won. Grrrr….

    It was a windy night. I slept warm in my 20 degree synthetic bag, but getting out of the tent and into the cold wind at 7AM caused me to start shivering. I put on all may layers including my rain jacket to break the wind. I grabbed my sleeping bag and made my way to the back corner of the shelter. I sat on the bench back there and covered my legs with my sleeping bag. I lit my alcohol stove and enjoyed warming my hands while the stove was priming. I heated up some water for coffee and quickly warmed up.



    I was up eating breakfast at 7:15 or so, everyone else rolled out of their tents at 8:30. They ate and we packed up camp and hit the trail by 9:30. We continued to go up and down through the bluffs. I enjoyed challenging myself on the ascents, setting a swift, but steady, pace, digging in with my trekking poles. On one ridge we could see through the leafless trees and we spotted a shelter at the top of another bluff.


    We have stayed at the shelter before. It is on Trail 9/10 and has a great overlook. We continued hiking until we reached on intersection. The boys wanted to go left on Trail 10 to go back to the parking lot where we started. Barry and I wanted to go down Trail 11 to the cave. We decided to split up.


    Barry and I hiked the final 2 miles or so to the cave, which is just a rock outcropping. It does have a few ancient petroglyphs, which are hard to spot with all the modern graffiti and defacing that has taken place.


    I wanted to shoot video at the cave so Barry dropped his pack and jogged down the road to the truck where the boys were waiting. After my video shoot I carried Barry’s pack on my front and headed down the road.


    They picked me up and we changed into clean clothes and left the park. We ended the trip eating some pretty good Chinese food in a nearby town.


    More pictures…
















  • Cedar Creek Trail: Southern Loop Hike

    The Cedar Creek Trail is just outside of Ashland, about 20 minutes South of Columbia, Missouri. My friend Ben and I started out from the Pine Ridge Campground at 12:30 PM on Friday April 11. This was a shakedown hike for me in preparation for my hike of the Georgia Section of the AT in June. It was a beautiful day for hiking, sunny with highs in the 70s. One of these days I will need to practice hiking in the rain, but there was a zero percent chance of rain as we headed North on the 22-mile Southern Loop of the Cedar Creek trail. The trail is blazed with gray diamonds.

    The blazes were really hit and miss. We lost the trail a couple of times and had to backtrack a bit to find our way. We had maps and GPS so we were able to pick up the trail again. I guess “route finding” is a part of the adventure. During one of the creek crossings we saw a blaze on one side of the creek, but could not find one on the other side. Flooding had brought a ton of debris to the banks of the creek and we could not find the trail. Luckily other hikers had built a rock cairn marking the way. There would be no way a rookie could hike this trail without a map and compass.

    An hour and a half or so into our hike we came across the Nevis Farmstead, an abandoned two-story house dating back to the 1800s. We stopped there for lunch.

    We continued to hike North through wooded areas, road crossings, and a creek crossing until we turned West onto the Smith Creek Loop. By 3:30 or so we made it to the Cedar Creek. There is a great campsite by the creek with a large fire ring and plenty of room for tents or hammocks. We spent about and hour at the creek wading in the water and taking pictures. I would have loved to camp here. If I go back I may start at the Pine Ridge Campground and go North like we did, but I would do the entire Smith Creek Loop at stop for the night at this campsite.


    After filling up with water we headed on down the trail. One of the things I have learned in hiking lightweight is to drink a full liter of water when you stop to fill up. This way I am carrying the water weight in my stomach and not on my back.


    We crossed over the Devil’s Backbone Road and talked to a guy, apparently a local, who was hiking back towards the Cedar Creek. He was telling us a little about the area and warned us that the next section would take us through a pasture, but it was indeed the trail. We followed the trail through a few connected pastures, lost the trail for a bit, before finding it again. I didn’t mind hiking through pastures/meadows or even the road walking, but I missed being in the woods. We started road walking as the sun was going down.

    We debated whether or not to go on or make camp, but we decided to go forward. We found a nice clearing in the woods not far off the road and we made camp. I was able to hang my hammock and tarp before the sun went down. For supper I boiled water and cooked Spanish Rice, which I spooned out onto two tortillas and covered them with string cheese. I rolled it up like a burrito. The only thing I was missing was hot sauce. I ate my fill and after supper we enjoyed a fire. As the fire died down I made my way into my hammock.


    Here is my video from Day 1:


    This was my first time sleeping in my new BIAS Weight Weenie hammock. I got in the hammock at about 10:20 PM and I was asleep by 10:25 PM. I woke up off and on until about 8:00 in the morning. It was great night sleep. I have never slept so long in the woods. I am now officially a hammock camper!

    After pop tarts, oatmeal, and coffee we packed up camp and headed out at out 10:30 AM. Not ten minutes down the trail we came across a blow down and an open area where we could find no blazes. With no sign of the trail we followed a logging road to the gravel road we saw on the map. After walking down this road for a whole we finally found the trail again. We ended up doing a lot of road walking on the morning on day two.

    By 1 PM we made it to the bridge over the Cedar Creek. We stopped here for lunch and to fill up on water. The banks were steep and muddy, but we finally found a place to fill up our water bottles. A local guy was driving by when we were eating lunch. He stopped and we chatted for a little bit. He told us not to drink straight out of the creek and watch out for ticks. He was right about the ticks. I ended up knocking two off my legs on day 2 and I found two more ticks when I got home. After a short jog through the woods we turned North and we were back in an open meadow where we spent most of the rest of the hike.


    We passed some mountain bikers heading South towards the bridge where we had lunch. One of the bikers stopped and we talked for a few minutes. We are finding lots of friendly people out here. We continue hiking from meadow to meadow, most of them connect by a gate. Ben and I guessed that this was farmland or pasture land that was bought by the forestry department. It is not the same as hiking in the woods, but it was nice scenery. I was concerned about getting sunburned, because it was another sunny day. Ben ended up getting a sunburn on his arms and the tops of his hands. We continued hiking and  stopped at a nice overlook maybe a mile South of the Pine Ridge Campground.

    We made it back to the trail head, finishing our loop by about 3:30 PM.

    Here is my video from Day 2:

    It was a good hike. As I mentioned, this hike was a shakedown hike in preparation for my section hike in the AT this summer. All my gear worked great, I just need to decide what gear I can leave behind to lighten my load. I have a number of luxury items that I may leave behind like my inflatable pillow, FM/AM radio, and camp shoes. I don’t think I need the pillow in the hammock. I used it, but I think I can get my head comfortable without it. We listened to the radio while packing up camp in the morning. It was nice, but we could have just listened to music from my iPhone. I took off my socks when we were setting up camp and put my hiking shoes back on and that felt pretty nice. I ended up wearing my camp shoes, but I don’t think I will need them on the AT. I wore my camp shoes (which are Vivobarefoot Ultras) when I had to cross the creek. No need for them on the AT.

    Here are some more pictures:






  • NT Visits KC


    N.T. Wright speaking at Christ Church Anglican (Overland Park, KS)

    Yesterday was (for me) N.T. Wright Day, the long awaited day when I had the opportunity to both meet and listen to N.T. (Tom) Wright lecture live in person. In looking forward to this event I felt like a 14 year-old girl preparing for our One Direction concert. In meeting Tom, I felt like a pastor from the 20th century meeting Karl Barth. I think Tom Wright is important. In a hundred years when the history of theology is written about the early 21st century, I think Tom Wright will stand head a shoulders above the rest as the most influential theologian of our generation.

    I thoroughly enjoyed both the morning and evening lecture. Ellis Brust and the St. Mellitus Theological Centre did a wonderful job hosting the event. Hats off to them and the staff and volunteers of Christ Church Anglican for their hospitality and work in putting together the logistics for this one-day event in such a short time. They announced the event a couple of months ago and it sold out in three weeks.

    While thoughts are still fresh in my mind, I want to share some of the notes I took from both lectures. As all Tom Wright devotees know, he talks fast. He spits forth truth with rapid-fire accuracy. There is no way I can transcribe the entirety of his lectures, but I can share a few notes.

    The evening lecture was a hurried overview of his massive work on Paul’s theology, Paul and The Faithfulness of God. I am finishing the book during Lent. I should be done by Easter Sunday. My goal is to create an extensive outline of the book over the summer and then teach a 10-12 week class on the book in the fall. Tom has interpreted Paul for the church and I want to interpret Tom for you. So if N.T. Wright has left you wanting more, hold on. A class is coming soon to Word of Life Church.

    Here are some of my takeaways from N.T. Wright Day at the St. Mellitus Theological Centre in KC.

    Morning Lecture

    The Gospel is good news. We cannot assume people are asking the questions that make the good news really good news. People in the Western world today are not walking around asking, “How can I know I am saved and am going to heaven when I die.”

    The gospel is a new way of looking at the world.

    The resurrection is like a strange, but beautiful gift that causes us to remodel our house to be shaped by it.

    The gospel is scandalous and foolishness, but to those of us who believe it is the power of God.

    We need to preach the gospel more than prove it. We do not need to prove it according to the values of Western rational enlightenment.

    The word “god” is a question mark in our culture. Often when people say “I don’t believe in god,” we should say “I do not believe in that kind of god either, I believe in the God revealed in Jesus Christ.”

    God is not distant. (Deism/epicureanism are the dominate views of god in our world.)

    There are many tombs to the unknown god in our world.

    Jesus reveals God. Jesus exegetes God for us.

    Many people in our culture have a passion for justice. We can capitalize on this passion as justice is connected with the Gospel.

    Liberal democracy has NOT brought us utopia.

    Western democracy does not have a narrative to do justice. Progress, yes. Justice, no. God is about bringing a new world of justice and peace. (Isaiah 11)

    We need not a happy triumphalism over the other ways of being human, but a travail in prayer with those who suffer. (This is a picture of doing justice.)

    The 18th century dismissed political theology. Religion was to be private, spiritual, and about heaven. The thought was “let us enlightened, reasonable human beings figure out how to run the world.”

    The church is to speak to power. (The cross was the voice of justice to the powers that be.)

    We get our atonement theology in the redefinition of power.

    We have idolized our modern culture. We have become smug and self-serving.

    Christianity is rejected by modernism and postmodernism for different reasons. They both deny the Christian narrative. We say history turned a corner not in the 18th century age of enlightenment, but at the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Postmodernism rejects all meta-narratives. Postmodernism never sees a turn in human history.

    The big story of Christianity is not a power story but a love story.

    Thoughts from the Q&A after the morning session….
    Paul layers the Jewish narrative for us in Romans that we look through in order to see his point.

    Romans 7 is a retelling of Israel’s story/struggle.

    In a strange way, Israel was to be the Isaiah 53 people suffering in order to bear God’s image.

    Evening Lecture

    Everywhere St. Paul went there was a riot. Everywhere I go they serve tea.

    Paul pitched his tent near the fault lines between Jewish culture, Greek philosophy, ancient religion, and Roman politics.

    God’s new creation has launched through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.

    In starting communities loyal to Jesus, Paul started a new discipline, what we call Christian theology. This is the central thesis of Paul and the Faithfulness of God.

    Diverse people come together to be a family in Christ, holy and united, and they need to be sustained by something new…new symbols.

    Paul believes unity happens as these communities practiced what we call “theology.”

    Jews did not do theology, not the way Christians did/do.

    Be ignorant of evil, but be mature in your thinking.

    After Paul says everything he has to say in Romans 1-11 about the Gospel, Jesus’ death, justification, the unity between Jews and Gentiles, etc. he then says in Romans 12 “be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

    People take doctrinal questions to Paul (and he does in fact have many answers to these questions), but Paul does not simply want to give us a list of answers he wants us to teach people to think Christianly.

    Teach a person to think Christianly and you will build up the church for generations to come.

    Every generation needs to think fresh and new, to face new challenges in the light of Christ.

    Christianity is a new sort of knowing. It is a new epistemology. 2 Corinthians 5 calls this “new creation.”

    Every person in Christ becomes a little model of new creation.

    God is not an object in our universe; we are objects in his universe. He wants us to become thinking objects in his universe, thinking according to a new kind of knowledge.

    What does it mean to be a human being? We reflect God’s love and stewardship to the world, and then we return back the praises of creation.
    God wants people not puppets.

    What is launched in resurrection is transformation.

    Paul’s writing is rooted in Scripture, Paul may quote a line from Hebrew Scripture, but he has the entire context in mind. He was not proof-texting the Old Testament to prove things like justification by faith. Rather, in Romans, he was thinking about the entire Jewish narrative.

    The whole world is to be God’s holy land.

    Genesis 15: Abraham – This is God’s plan to save the world.

    Biblical theology is narrative theology. How does the narrative work? We are invited to participate in it.

    Daniel 9: Daniel’s prayer in exile

    Combine Daniel’s prayer with the expectation of covenant renewal (Deut. 30) and the promise of a new covenant (Jer. 31) and we see the Jewish expectation in Paul’s day. They were expecting liberation and new way of living as the people of God.

    First century Jews were not asking, “How can I know that I will go to heaven and not hell?” They were asking questions about the renewal of the covenant.
    What Israel thought would happen at the end of the age, happened in the middle to one son of Abraham.

    Exodus is retold by Paul, rethought through Jesus and the Spirit.

    Ezekiel 1 is a vision of God’s throne; God taking off (abandoning) the temple.
    Ezekiel 43 speaks of the return of God to the temple.

    Isaiah 40 speaks of the time when the glory will come back.

    First century Jews looked for the return of Yahweh to Zion and none of Israel’s prophets said it has happened yet. It was still a future event. John announces “IT HAS HAPPENED!” John 1. The Word became flesh and tabernacle among us.

    Paul says in him dwelt (this is temple language) the fullness of the God bodily.

    In order to understand Paul, be so soaked in Scripture (Old Testament) that you know where Jesus is going.

    1 Corinthians 8:6: Shema language: The LORD is one. The answer to what to do with eating meat is found in doing theology. God is one. One Lord Jesus.

    Philippians 2: Jewish monotheism and layers of theology

    “Work out your own salvation.” This is not a call to pull yourself up by your bootstraps…rubbish!

    Paul’s task: The new vision of God seen in Jesus and the Spirit.
    Galatians and Romans: A new story of Exodus

    Romans 8: “led by the Spirit” is language from the exodus (pillar of cloud by day / pillar of fire by night)

    Theology is the central task of the church.

    Election: Who are the people of God?
    In Paul, election is renewed. God has ONE family. (Galatians 3) A new people who inherit the promises given to Abraham.

    Justification: not a mechanism for going to heaven

    God’s purpose is to put the world right. This action requires God putting people right.

    Start with God’s people redefined through Jesus and that helps sort out theological problems related to justification.

    Every Christian must learn how to think through:

    Eschatology in Paul has little to do with the American fascination with the rapture. A caller to a radio show asked: “How does Mr. Wright think he will get to heaven if he is not raptured?”

    Phil 3: Our citizenship is in heaven, but we are to colonize the world with the culture of heaven.

    Paul redefines monotheism, election, and eschatology around Jesus and the Spirit. This is all political dynamite.

    Power gets redefined around the cross.

    Acts 17: Paul in Athens. He spoke longer than 2 minutes. He probably spoke for 2 hours or more. He navigates between religion and philosophy in order to preach the gospel.

    Theology is joined up for Paul in prayer.

    Romans 9-11 opens with a lament and closes with praise, just like many of the Psalms.

    Paul includes his own prayers in his writing to the Ephesians.

    Our theology does not lead us to know it all, but it leads us to worship.

    Me and Tom, my theological mentor

    Me and Tom, my theological mentor