All posts by Derek Vreeland

  • Prayer for World Peace

    On this day when Muslims, Jews, and Christians are praying for peace between Israeli and Palestinians, I prayed this prayer…

    Prayer for World Peace
    By Sister Joan Chittister of the Benedictine Sisters of Erie

    Great God, who has told us “Vengeance is mine,”
    save us from ourselves, save us from the vengeance in our hearts and the acid in our souls.

    Save us from our desire to hurt as we have been hurt,
    to punish as we have been punished, to terrorize as we have been terrorized.

    Give us the strength it takes to listen rather than to judge,
    to trust rather than to fear, to try again and again to make peace even when peace eludes us.

    We ask, O God, for the grace to be our best selves.
    We ask for the vision to be builders of the human community rather than its destroyers.
    We ask for the humility as a people to understand the fears and hopes of other peoples.

    We ask for the love it takes to bequeath to the children of the world to come more than the failures of our own making.
    We ask for the heart it takes to care for all the peoples of Afghanistan and Iraq,
    of Palestine and Israel as well as for ourselves.

    Give us the depth of soul, O God,
    to constrain our might,
    to resist the temptations of power
    to refuse to attack the attackable,
    to understand that vengeance begets violence,
    and to bring peace–not war–wherever we go.

    For You, O God, have been merciful to us.
    For You, O God, have been patient with us.
    For You, O God, have been gracious to us.

    And so may we be merciful
    and patient
    and gracious
    and trusting
    with these others whom you also love.

    This we ask through Jesus,
    the one without vengeance in his heart.
    This we ask forever and ever. Amen

  • Thoughts Gathered from Hiking on the Appalachian Trail

    2014-06-12 09.51.51I finished my 8-day section hike on the AT just eight days ago. People have asked me about my experience and I have answered in a variety of ways: “epic,” “an adventure of a life time,” “totally fulfilling,”  “an incredible experience.” I spent over 18-months dreaming, talking, and learning about hiking the Appalachian Trail. I tried to manage my expectations, so I didn’t start my hike with romantic notions about trail life. For the most part I did fairly well. I knew the trail was going to be hard; it was. I knew we would get rained on; we did. I knew I would have trouble sleeping some nights; I did. I knew I would run into interesting people; I did. I knew I would be overwhelmed by the views; I was. I knew I would be sweaty; I was. I did NOT expect it to be so cool at night. Most nights were fine, but I did get cold in my hammock one night. I used every piece of gear I took, so I felt really good about my gear choices. I got ZERO blisters, making me very happy in my decision to hike in trail runners and not boots. Would I do another section again? Absolutely.

    I am not sure if I could do a thru hike or not. A thru hike is a complete hike of the entire 2, 185-mile trail from Georgia to Maine (or the other way around) completed in one hiking season. My brother and I discussed this topic a couple of times. I know I could physically do the hike. They say if you can make it through Georgia then you can make it to Maine. The Georgia section may not be as difficult as the White Mountains in New Hampshire or the rugged terrain of Maine, but the Georgia section is no walk in the woods. It is littered with rocks and roots; it is constantly going up and down. We completed the Georgia section plus the Approach Trail and 5- 6 miles in North Carolina in 8 days and I could have done it in 6 days. I know for sure I could do a thru hike physically, but I do not know if I could do it emotionally. On my 8-day trip I was still in the honeymoon of hiking. I hadn’t been out there long enough to hit the wall of monotony. I was out there long enough to miss home and that subtle homesickness would be the one thing to keep me from attempting a thru hike. I am blessed with a great wife and great kids and even though they drive me crazy sometime, I love them. I love being with them and leaving for a 5-6 month hike would be a daunting task.

    This hike however was doable. I was only gone for a week and a half or so. Now that I have been home for a week and have looked back, here are my big takeaways from the hike. I did not learn anything new. I did not have any mind-blowing epiphanies. Rather the trail reminded me of a few simple things I already new.

    #1 Technology is not the enemy of simplicity

    There are a number of debates in the hiking community. One debate is over electronics on the trail. Do you carry the electronic comforts from home with you or do you try to “unplug” and soak in all nature has to offer? Another debate is pack weight. Do you worry about the weight of your pack? Are you a lightweight hiker? An ultra lightweight hiker? An extreme lightweight hiker??? These debates are somewhat connected because they are related to gear. To weigh in on the second debate, I would say I am a lightweight hiker. My base weight before food, water, and fuel for my stove is right at 14 lbs. With food for three days, water, and fuel my pack was 25.5 lbs. I am 200 lbs and a 25 lb. pack was very comfortable.  I met a guy on the trail, Hobbit, who was about 5’6″ and 130 lbs and he was carrying a 55 lbs. pack! Crazy talk!

    Over the last 18 months, I have enjoyed learning how to hike lighter. I have learned how to weigh all my gear, choose certain gear according to weight, and figure out what I could leave behind. I number of hikers have experienced the freedom of simplicity on the trail, learning to live on just the essentials. I too share the love of the freedom of simplicity, but on the trail I did carry my iPhone, an iPod shuffle, and an external battery charger. The iPhone may be the best piece of technology ever invented for the hiking community. (I am sure Steve Jobs was thinking about hikers when he created the iPhone, right?) My iPhone, case, charger, and ear buds weigh in at 8 oz. and it may had been the most important 8 oz. I carried. My iPhone served as my camera, video camera, journal, communication device, music player, and video player. (I had the movie Tombstone on my phone. We watched the first hour of it one night in the shelter.) It was a piece of technology that did indeed make my life simpler. I was able to document our hike and carry a little entertainment we me as well. I enjoyed listening to music when I had trouble sleeping or when I was tired and was facing a tough uphill climb. You can be a lightweight hiker and still carry key pieces of technology. In the “real world” we all need to simplify our lives and possessions, but simplifying does not mean throwing everything out.

    #2 I am my brother’s keeper

    Fyodor Dostoyevsky wrote: “We are all responsible for everyone else—but I am more responsible than all the others.” Never did I find these words to be MORE true than on the trail. There exists an unspoken ethic on the trail that everyone is responsible for everyone else. Whether it is warnings about bears or rattlesnakes or directions to the water source or warnings about the weather, it seems like the hiking community understands we all need to watch out for each other. Such an ethic flies in the face of a culture dominated by rugged individualism and yes, such stubborn individualism can be found on the trail. You hear it behind the condescending and over-used-trail-phrase: “Hike your own hike.” I refuse to use the phrase because it is just a way to dismiss other people. Obviously, each person is going to decided what is the best way to hike the trail and we will not always do things the same, but “hike your own hike” sounds like a way to tell people off. It sounds like there should be an expletive at the end of the phrase: “HIKE YOUR OWN HIKE, @#$%# !!!” We do not need to judge one another on the trail. If Hobbit wants to hike with a 55 lb. pack, then so be it; I say nothing.

    But…we should watch out for each other. This thought became clear in my encounter with Paul. I have reported on Paul in my previous blogs, but we stayed with him on our first night. He was hiking in flip-flops and carrying a gym bag. We shared food with him and boiled water for him. We later learned that he is a mission person who may be suicidal. When I first met Paul, I knew he was strange. I was not surprised to learn he was suffering from a metal illness and was off his medication. We shared gear and food with Paul because he was hiking the trail and he was in need. I felt responsible for him as I felt responsible for everyone I met on the trail. I understand how deep bonds are formed among thru hikers. It doesn’t take long for that sense of responsibility to carry over into a solidified emotional bonds. I have heard more than one thru hiker on the AT speak of their “trail family.” I understand why. On the trail we look out for each other and we form a bond; we begin to love each other in the way I hear Jesus calling us to love one another. I wonder if such love for neighbor can really happen in the real world?

    #3 Community is not only necessary for human existence; it makes life better

    We cannot survive on our own because we were designed by our Creator for each other. We were created to live in community, to go through life living interdependently with other people. I could not have hiked the Georgia section of the Appalachian Trail if it had not been blazed and maintained by other people. I could not have got off the trail in rainstorm and taken into town if it were not for other people. I would not have a backpack or gear to put in it if it were not for other people. I would not have had delicious freeze-dried trail food if it were not for other people. Yes community (other people) are necessary for human survival, but other people also make life better.

    I loved hiking with my brother Jeff and our friend John. My brother and I had not spent that much time together since we were kids. I loved it, even when Jeff got impatient like our dad. I enjoyed calling him “Ed Vreeland.” John cracked me up constantly. I will never look at a purple shirt again and not think of John (sorry…inside joke)! I also enjoyed meeting so many interesting people at the shelter at night. Our first night it was Paul. Enough said. The second night was Senator, Amanda, and Kendall. Kendall had a can of bear spray proudly displayed on her hip. I think it was creepy-guy spray as much as bear spray. She was not wearing it the next morning. I guess she figured we were harmless. They were all great fun. The third night we were in town. No interesting people in town. Night #4 was the best night at camp. We slept in the shelter with Colin, Jason, Sampson, and Hobbit. Too many stories. Too many laughs. Those guys were great. Night #5 we camped alone. Night #6 we stayed the night in a cabin at Neel Gap. Night #7 was the most crowded night at the shelter, maybe 13 of us. Most of us tented. I did enjoy talking with Carrie and her husband from Atlanta. We were hoping to stay the night with them on the eighth night at the Springer Mountain Shelter, but we hiked out on the eighth day. These people were really a major highlight of the trip. I love hiking, but walking into camp always felt like a downer, except for the people we encountered.

    #4 Everyone needs a little kindness

    This need for kindness is connected to the idea that people make life better. Philo of Alexandria said: “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.” The trail is an adventure and, in some ways, it is a kind of battle. You are battling the weather or the terrain or the ascents OR the descents (we would say that going downhill is just a different kind of pain). Sometime you are battling your body or mind. I love hiking, but it includes some degree of suffering. Everyone is fighting something. A small act of kindness goes a long way. After shivering in my hammock one night I was looking to sleep in the shelter the next night on the trail when we expected a thunderstorm. I did not have a sleeping pad, but Hobbit loaned me his. He wasn’t using it and it was just a small act of kindness but it went a long way.

    We never know what small acts of kindness do for other people. I included Paul in our morning prayer before we left the shelter. He said, “Thanks for the prayer.” Who knows, maybe that prayer saved his life? Maybe Paul was ready to take his life that night at the shelter, but he found some kind of hope in the prayer from a stranger. By the way, we have received word that Paul is still on the trail. His girlfriend is concerned about his well-being. I hope he can find his way home.

    #5 Physical health is a part of the good life

    I worked hard to get in good physical shape for the hike. I turned 40 years old while on the trail and I believe I am as fit as I have been since college. I lost 12 lbs before the hike (and lost another 5-6 lbs while hiking). I ran hard during the winter and spring months and it really paid off. It is true; you do not need to be in shape to hike on the Appalachian Trail. If you start with low mileage days and then build up, you can get into trail shape. You do not HAVE TO be in shape to hike the trail, but it sure makes hiking much more enjoyable. John was…how shall I say…the least fit hiker in our group. He was a trooper though. He never complained, but I can tell he was struggle up some of those mountains. (We did find out John lost 18 lbs while hiking on the trail!) I found the climbs to be difficult at times, but not strenuous. I was easily able to set a pace and then hike 30-45 minutes up the mountain without a break.

    As I enter my 40s, I am more convinced of the importance of good physical health. I do not want to go back to the laziness of my early 30s. I started running about five years ago. I loss over 30 lbs. and I feel great. I am thankful for good health and I want to treat it as a gift. I know our human bodies are a part of God’s good creation and I know God is a healer, but I have to participate with him. I cannot choose a sedimentary lifestyle and eat junk food every day and then expect a miracle when my body begins to fall apart. I want to live the good life, the life God has designed for us and a part of the good life is staying in shape.

    #6 The God of the trail is the provider for and sustainer of his good and beautiful creation

    I have often heard the popular saying on the AT: “The trail will provide.” The thought is whatever a person needs they can find on the trail. Very often the trail provides through the kindness of other hikers. Other times provision comes through trail angels, people close to the trail who provide food or rides or some form of “trail magic.” We did not experience “trail magic,” but Jason at Mountain Crossings did give me a piece of foam that kept me warm in my hammock. I understanding the saying, but every time I hear it I want to rephrase it to say, “The God of the trail will provide.” The God of the trail did provide for us at every turn. He provided everything we needed including the occasional encounter with his beautiful creation.

    The very first overlook view I saw was, in my mind, the best. I described it in my Day 2 blog post. We had been hiking for two days in the green tunnel, under a constant canopy of green leafy trees. We followed a blue-blazed trail .2 miles off the AT to a vista and we were reward with a breathtaking view. It was a God-encounter. I brushed up against the finger prints of God. I do believe in Natural Theology, the idea that the attributes of God can be seen (in a reduced way) in creation. As the Psalmist declares, “The heavens declare the handiwork of God.” Well the mountain declare his handiwork too! Seeing the mountains from that overlook took me by surprise. It took me to a place of gut-instinct primal faith, where I could look at creation and see the work of the Creator. God not only creates things like this, but he sustains it. Encounters like this one remind me that life is such a gift. Humanity has such a way of screwing things up…myself included! The only thing holding us together is the gracious hands of a loving God.

  • AT GA Section Hike Videos: Day 4-8

    Day 4

    Day 5

    Day 6

    Day 7

    Day 7 Bonus Video

    Day 8

  • Appalachian Trail Georgia Section Hike: Day 8

    Sunday, June 15, 2014
    17 miles to Amicalola Falls State Park

    I finally figured out how to sleep in a hammock…hike 16 miles the day before! I fell asleep last night with my phone in my hand. I was trying to finish yesterday’s blog but exhaustion took over. I woke up at 10:40 PM and put my phone away and I was back asleep.

    I woke up while it was still dark and I checked the time. It was 5:48 AM. I slept 7 hours uninterrupted! I dozed back off to sleep and woke back up at 7:20 and laid in my hammock finishing yesterday’s blog. We had a leisurely hiker’s breakfast and took our time packing up. One of the women staying at camp here wished mechappy birthday, which was kind. It was a good reminder. Today is my 40th birthday. Unreal. I am glad we pushed hard yesterday because today plans on being an easy day. I will be standing on Spring Mountain on my birthday.

    We left camp at 10. I stopped to lead us in prayer as we got back to the AT. Today is Trinity Sunday on the church calendar so I prayed the prayer for today:

    Almighty and everlasting God, you have given to us your servants grace, by the confession of a true faith, to acknowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity, and in the power of your divine Majesty to worship the Unity: Keep us steadfast in this faith and worship, and bring us at last to see you in your one and eternal glory, O Father; who with the Son and the Holy Spirit live and reign, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

    We hiked down the gravel road to the Hickory Flats Cemetery and campground owned by the New Bethel Church. It had a bathroom (which I regrettably used) and a covered pavilion. The sign outside the bathroom said they had a Camp Meeting Revival last week that ended last night. It is strange that I have missed Sunday morning worship two Sundays in a row, but being at that campground on a Sunday reminded me of the people of God. There was even a pulpit in the rafters of the pavilion. I walked the grounds and prayed the prayer the Trinity Sunday again. John and I also played in the two-person merry-go-round and we walked the old cemetery before leaving.

    We hiked on to Long Creek Falls, took pictures there. The air was filled with the smell of coffee and donuts. We did not see the food but we could smell it. We made it to the footbridge over Long Creek near Three Forks. The creek and surrounding trees looked like a postcard. We made it to the Stover Creek Shelter and had lunch with Carrie and her husband. We stayed with them last night. We laughed about some of the funny characters we stayed with last night. They are from Atlanta and have two daughters. They want to section hike the entire AT.

    They left the shelter and we finished up lunch and were out by 1:30 PM or so. We hiked in the final remaining miles of the AT slow and steady. I continued to review the previous 7 days in my mind and let the anticipation of Springer Mountain build in my head. We made the climb up to Spring Mountain Shelter and Jeff and I sat down on the picnic table. When John arrived, Jeff said we should hike down to Amicalola. It was only 3 PM. I said I felt good and thought we could do the remaining 9 miles and be out by 7 PM. John said he was ready for it. So we changed plans! Instead of 8 miles today and 9 miles tomorrow, we were going to do 17 miles in in one day!

    I called Gabe and my Dad to tell them of the change of plans, and I called Jenni too. And then we were off! Before we made the climb down to the finish line at Amicalola we had .1 more miles to the AT.

    It was only 5-10 minute hike to the summit. I could see the clearing for Springer in the distance. It was sunny and there were 5 or 6 people there. The summit is small, just a small clearing in the trees with a small view and the two plaques. Carrie and her husband were there. We told them of our change of plans. He took our picture and we each took pictures of the summit plaques. Springer Mountain isn’t a tall mountain but it is the southern terminus of the Appalachian Trail. It is where thousands of northbound thru hikers start their journey and where a smaller number of southbound thru hikers end their journey. It was a special place and I was standing there on my 40th birthday.

    I signed the register with these words: I was born on June 15, 1974. 40 years later I hiked the Georgia section of the Appalachian Trail! Living the dream! Derek (aka Arrowmaker). We stayed on the summit for 30 minutes. By 3:30 we were down the Approach Trail.

    We made it to the archway at about 7:30, hiking the nine-mile Approach Trail in four hours. We stopped once for water and a few times at the falls to take pictures. Finishing was more about the miles than the smiles. The Approach Trail does not count as AT miles but it was a tough trail. We hiked it southbound but it would be even harder northbound. It is up and down and littered with rocks and roots just like the AT. My advice to thru hikers and section hikers is SKIP THE APPROACH TRAIL. There is no reason to going on a hike before going on a hike (HT: Pox Holiday).

    We passed through the archway behind the visitor center in a single file line. The guys wanted me to go first. I took off my trekking poles and held them with my right hand and lifted them up in the air as I passed under the archway. My Dad and Uncle Andy and his wife Gail were there waiting for us. They hugged our sweaty necks and took pictures. We were tired but overwhelmed at the sense of accomplishment.

    In 8 days we hiked 85 AT miles and when we added up all the blue-blaze miles, we hiked well over 100 miles…33 of those miles on the last two days. Not a bad way to spend my 40th birthday.

  • Appalachian Trail Georgia Section Hike: Day 7

    Saturday, June 14, 2014
    16.2 miles to Hawk Mountain Shelter

    Fell asleep by about 10:45 PM last night and slept good until 1:30 AM. Laid awake listening to music till about 2:30 or so and then shut off the music and fell back to sleep listening to the sound of the creek behind me.

    Jeff woke us up at 6:45. It didn’t rain last night but my tarp was wet with due. We ate breakfast and hit the trail by 8:15 AM. We have found our rhythm hiking. We quickly climbed over 1000 feet in elevation in 2 miles to the top of Big Cedar Mountain which was an open rick face with great views. I laid my tarp out so it would dry and I talked to some weekend hikers who climbed up to photograph the full moon the night before.

    I posted a picture of the view and uploaded my blog from yesterday. We hiked on down to Woody Gap. There is a parking lot, trash cans, and great cell service at the gap. I called Jenni and talked to her a bit. It was tough not talking to her last night. It has been a great trip, but I miss her.

    We had a nice ridge walk with some nice views as we continued hiking south to Gooch Gap. We ran into a thru hiker on his way to Maine.he was staring late and was carrying an external frame pack. I am not sure he will make it or not but it was good to bear a hiker say “Maine,”when asked “Where are you going?”

    At Gooch Gap, I called Gabe and Dad, making plans for on the end if the trip. Gabe is going to hike up the Approach Trail and hike down with us on Monday. We are going to stay the night with my uncle and then Gabe and I are going to Americus for day. It will be good to see my friends there.

    While talking in the phone I let Jeff and John hike on ahead of me. I hiked a little over a mile by myself for a while which was a pleasant change. On the way I ran into Adam and Nikki, a couple fe Indiana whom I met on the AT Section Hiker’s group on Facebook. They are hiking the Georgia section Northbound getting off in Franklin, NC. They have been following my blog and we had corresponded on Facebook. We chatted for a bit and then took a group picture and they headed off.

    I made it to the Gooch Mountain Shelter by 12:10 and we filtered water and ate lunch. I jotted down some notes for the blog and laid my hiking shirt and gear in the sun to dry. We knocked out 8 miles by lunch. I still had plenty of energy, but my right hip flexor was burning. It had been sore all morning. I took some ibuprofen and headed out of our last eight miles.

    We hiked on to tackle Justus and Sassafras Mountains, with just a little break in between. These mountains where back to back and had steep climbs. We passed Justus Creek and continued up to the top of Justus mountain. I shot my Day 7 video hiking up Justus to give people a real taste of what hiking the AT is like.

    We tackled Sasafrass mountain And stopped at the top. It did rain today but I was drenched with sweat. We talked to a retired guy from Florida as we rested on a log. He was missing most of his bottom teeth, which I could see as he smiled a lot when talking about the AT. He was section hiking to Hot Springs, NC.

    We hiked down to Horse Gap and tried to shake off the fatigue. The final 2.5 miles were rough, lots of ups and down. On my way to Highetower Gap, I kicked a rock by a tree and set off what sounded like an alarm. I jumped a bit and realized that was the sound of a rattle snake! I turned to look and four feet off the trail was a pretty good size rattlesnake curled up with his four-inch rattle in the air just a buzzin’. Jeff was behind me maybe 20 yards. He could hear the rattle but did not see the snake. I told him to go the left off the trail and he would be fine. Jeff stayed there to warn John about the snake.

    I made a final push to the Hawk Mointain Shelter and arrived at 5:15, sweaty, and thirsty. I filtered water and talked to Hank, the first guy at the shelter. John and Jeff made it to the shelter and our 16-mile day was complete.

    We were all soaked with swear and tired. We filled up with water and I took a bandana bath in the creek behind the shelter. I rinsed out my shirt and washed the grim off my legs and arms. I had my camp soap with me so I washed my face and head with the cold creek water. I put on my camp shirt and rain jacket because I was freezing from the cold water.

    13 people at the shelter tonight. Including A couple on a three night trip. We talked about the AT and how to hike lightweight. I enjoyed talking to people at the shelter but I was tired. I got in my hammock about 9:30 and feel asleep trying to finish my blog. I woke up at 10:40 and stowed my phone and went back to sleep.

  • Appalachian Trail Georgia Section Hike: Day 6

    Friday, June 13, 2014
    7.4 miles to Lance Creek Campsite

    I tried to stay up last night but I was falling asleep watching the game. It was nice to sleep in a bed in my own room. I did have a chance to talk to Jenni and the boys las night even though the cell service is week at the Blood Mountain Cabin. It was good to hear their voices. As much as I am loving the trail I do miss the family. I was asleep by 10:45 PM and awake by 6:30.

    I checked the weather on my phone before I got out of bed and they are calling for rain again today.

    We checked out and made it to Mountain Crossings by 10:30 AM. John and Jeff shipped some gear home. I talked to Jason at Mountain Crossings about my lack of insulation in mu hammock. He showed me some foam pad but I didn’t want to spend the $15 just for three nights. He went to the back of the store and came out with two foam pads about 4 foot long. He said I could have one because they were donated. I chose the blue pad. I had to put it in my pack because it would take on water. It fit perfectly in my pack. We weighed our gear before we left:

    Derek: 25.5
    Jeff: 26.5
    John: 38

    The climb up Blood Mountain was enjoyable. It was the highest climb but not the hardest. There were stone steps and a couple of steep switchbacks but I took my time and enjoyed it. Jeff caught up with and we reached the summit together. We passed a really nice view south of the summit, but we hiked on. Jeff took my picture on top of a large rock on the summit. The view was amazing even with the approaching clouds. We dropped our packs in the shelter located right on the top of the mountain and walked back to the spot we saw south and took some more pictures.

    We walked back up to the top and ate lunch on the steps going up into the shelter. We had a good conversation with Grong and Lallygag, an older couple hiking North to Damascus, VA. We finished up lunch and I started talking to another hiker, Ronnie, a super fit 51 year-old guy from Florida. We asked him if he had heard about Paul, the missing person we stayed with Sunday night. He knew all about it. He had been a Neel Gap when the authorities were searching for Paul. He also heard Paul was found in North Carolina and returned to his family. It was good news. Ronnie said, “O so you are the guys who made the call.” Apparently we were the only ones to have seen Paul and called in a tip. It is strange how news travels on the trail.

    We were going to hike down Blood Mountain when it started to rain. We stayed in the shelter to wait out the storm. We were joined by Adam a day hiker and 4-5 young guys looking to camp out on Blood Mountain. We chatted about our hiking adventures and talked football too. The temperature dropped whole it was raining. I felt like grabbing my rain jacket just to warm up, but the rain stopped and the sun came out. We wishes Adam and the boys well and then we were gone.

    The trail down blood mountain was slick but we made our way down without a fall. We continued hiking down to the blue blaze trail for the Wood Hole Shelter. We thought it was .2 off the trail but it turned out to be .5. We turned around before going to far and stopped at the water source for the shelter to fill up on water. When leaving to get back on the AT Jeff slipped while trying to step over a log. He went to his knee and the fell on his shoulder and rolled. He stood up and I asked if everything was still working. He said yes. John waited about 10 seconds before saying, “I watched that in slow motion. It was like a Jeff-alanche!” We all busted out laughing. Jeff included.

    We hiked on passing a couple other hikers on our way to Lance Creek. We arrived about 5:00 or so. Jeff and John pitched their tents and I hung my hammock. I drive the last stale into the ground when it started raining. I pulled my pack and all my gear in under the tarp and I laid back in the comfort of my hammock as the rain fell until 6 PM or so. We stayed dry during two rain storms tonight which is a real plus. Hiking in the rain is no fun. John fell asleep in his tent while it was raining.

    When the rain stopped, Jeff and rolled out and walked down to the creek and checked out our campsite. We wanted to build a fire but everything is wet at camp. We started cooking supper at 7 PM. I are the gumbo Jeff had given me from Pak-it Gourmet. It had a lot of flavor. I would definitely eat it again. John made banana pudding, also from Pak-it Gourmet and shared some. We talked about our day tomorrow and agreed to hike a 16-mile day to Gooch Mountain Shelter. This will our biggest day.

    John went to bed at 9 and Jeff and I stayed up talking until 10 PM.

  • Appalachian Trail Georgia Section Hike: Day 5

    Thursday, June 12, 2014
    11.4 miles to Neel Gap

    It rained off and on all night. I stayed dry and warm but I did not sleep so well on the yoga mat in the shelter. I listened to music until well after midnight. I took out my earbuds and dozed off listening to the sound of the rain fall on the shelter roof. I tossed and turned until about 5:30 AM. I am ready to sleep in my hammock again!

    I sat up at 5:45 and finished up my blog entry from yesterday. I thought about the rest of my trip, knowing that day five is the halfway point. I am still trying to live in the present moment. This has been such a great adventure, even with the rough sleep last night.

    By 6:20 our misty camp was waking up to the sound of birds, dripping ran, and hikers ready for breakfast. We ate and packed up and hit the trail by 8 AM. Our first climb was 600 feet up Poor Mountain. A good way to start the day. We made it to Hogpen Gap by 10 AM. Four miles in two hours. We crossed the road to get back on the trail and we saw a posting from the Union County Sheriff’s Office regarding a missing person who was suicidal. Jeff looked at the picture and it was Paul, the strange guy we stayed with at Plumborchard Gap on Day 1. John called the sheriff’s department and reported our encounter with Paul. Looking back I am glad we showed him kindness. I even included Paul in our morning prayer when we were leaving Plumborchard on Sunday. When I said “Amen” and opened my eyes, I watched as he crossed himself and said, “Thanks for the prayer.” Who knows, maybe that prayer saved his life.

    We made a quick ascent up Wildcat Mountain and took pictures of the view. We had a tough 700 font climb up to Cowrock Mountain. We ate lunch on the open rock face on the summit and had the opportunity to dry out our shoes, clothes, and some of our gear. It felt good to get our sweat-soaked shirts and water logged shoes dry. It was short lived. 30 minutes down Cowrock it started raining. It rained for the next hour and a half. The trail became a river in spots. We tried to walk along the edge of the trail but we gave in and walked through the muddy, sloppy trail.

    It finally let up as we hiked the numerous switchbacks up Levelland Mountain. I walked passed the view on the way to the summit. I saw a nice view but didn’t take pictures. I assumed there would be a view at the top, but I was wrong. We made it to the top of Levelland and the trees blocked the view. We were drenched and getting cold as the wind whipped through the trees. We made a quick descent down to Neel Gap. The sun came out and we warmed up.

    We made our way to the historic Mountain Crossings at Neel Gap. We walked through the breezeway and I signed the register. We walked on to the Blood Mountain Cabins which were farther away than we expected. We checked into the Mountain Lion Cabin, got our camp shoes on and returned to Mountain Crossings. We bought T-shirts, snacks and some gear, and picked up our mail drop boxes. We talked to the owners about Paul. They said Paul’s pack was found a half mile from Neel Gap with $3,000 in cash and expensive gear. He was presumed dead. They searched in the woods around Neel Gap searching for him…such a tragic story. They were happy to hear he was alive.

    We returned to the cabin with our boxes with resupply food in it. My mom sent me a box with cards, snack cakes, and candles for my birthday Very kind. I went through my food and pulled out all the food I didn’t need. I sent myself some extra food but I am going to leave it in the hiker box at Mountain Crossings. We got a pizza and spaghetti from the general store and cooked it at the cabin. We took showers and are planning to watch Game 4 of the NBA finals before going to bed.

  • Appalachian Trail Georgia Section Hike: Day 4

    Wednesday, June 11, 2014
    9.2 miles to Low Gap Shelter

    Today was, without a doubt, wildlife Wednesday. I saw a deer, an orange salamander, a black salamander, a snake, and bears! O yes…I saw a bear on the Appalachian Trail!

    Before I get to the bear encounter let me back up and review the day. We slept good last night at the Budget Inn in Hiawassee. We fell asleep watching Game three between the Heat and Spurs. I woke up at about 7:30 AM. I uploaded videos, ate cold pizza, and had gas station coffee for breakfast. We got picked up at 10:30 and hit the trail by 11.

    The hike up Blue Mountain was easier than the previous climbs. We started at Unicoi Gap at 2949 feet and hiked up 1.5 miles to the summit of Blue Mountain at 4025 feet. It had rained in the morning before we got on trail and parts of the trail were covered in a light mist. It was magical, made me think of the Dylan line: “I stumbled along side twelve misty mountains.” As I hiked up I heard a crash in the woods, up the mountain on my left. I turned and I saw my first deer, a doe who made her way quickly up the mountain before I could take a picture. A little bit later I saw an orange salamander standing on a leaf on the tree. I took a picture and picked it up to take a picture of it in my hand.

    A short while longer I made it up to the Blue Mountain shelter, a nice shelter with a covered porch. We ate lunch there, used the privy, and checked for a signal. I had three bars and 4G, so I sent some texts home and uploaded a picture of the misty trail. We packed up and headed down the mountain.

    Ten minutes down the trail we heard a crash up the mountain. We all instantly froze. We looked up the mountain and I yelled, “Bear!!!” My heart was racing as I watched the cub gallop up the mountain and stop to get a look at me. I was hiking behind John and Jeff and they saw another cub further up the mountain, but I only saw the one.

    I was breathing quickly in utter disbelief and I quickly scanned the mountain looking for the mama bear. I wasn’t afraid; I was too excited. When the bear stopped to look at me, I could see its brown snout and black nose. When I didn’t see the mama bear, I frantically searched for my phone. I took a couple pictures but they all looked like those pictures people take of Bigfoot! The bear looks like a blurry black splotch in the picture.

    We hiked on, talking about how lucky we are to have seen a bear on the trail in Georgia. We hadn’t seen anyone on the trail that morning, so I think the lack of people prevented the bears from scampering off into the woods.

    The rest of the day was easy hiking. I have enjoyed hiking on my own on some of the climbs but it was nice hiking as a group. We told stories and laughed and hiked the day away. It started raining on us at about 4:30, just before we arrived at Low Gap Shelter. We hiked down to the shelter on the blue-blazed trail that had turned into a river.

    The shelter was filled with Boy Scouts and two northbound section hikers, Jason and Colin, all hiding out in the shelter to avoid the rain. I shared my bear encounter with them only to find that Jason and Colin had seen both a bear cub and an adult size bear on two different occasions. I guess bear sightings are not so rare after all.

    The rain stopped and the Boy Scouts pumped water by the stream at camp and started cooking outside the shelter. Two more guys showed up. Thomas (aka Hobbit) and Bret (aka Samson) both are northbound hikers trying to see how far they can go up the trail. Thomas wants to get to Maine, but I am not sure that he will get there with a 55 lb. pack on his tiny frame. He looks to be 5’6″ and about 130 lbs.

    We cooked supper and I tried to hang my hammock in the shelter. We are expecting thunderstorms tonight and I would like to avoid another shivering cold night. I couldn’t get my hammock high enough in the shelter so I decided to join John, Jeff, Jason, Colin, and Bret in the shelter. Thomas was setting up his hammock and loaned me his yoga mat to sleep on.

    I turned on the movie Tombstone (that I had downloaded on my phone) at 9 PM as everybody was getting in their sleeping bags. Jason who was on my right and I continued to quote lines from the movie, which I found funny. At 10, I called Jenni and got caught up on her day. Again I had a good cell phone signal. I returned to my sleeping bag at 10:30 PM.

    I put in my earbuds and listened to Dylan’s Tell Tale Signs. I am hoping for a good night sleep in the shelter.

  • AT GA Section Hike Videos: Day 0 – 3

    Day 0: The night before the hike

    Day 1: Deep Gap NC to Plumborchard Gap Shelter

    Day 2: Plumborchard Gap to Deep Gap Shelter

    Day 3: Deep Gap Shelter to Unicoi Gap

  • Appalachian Trail Georgia Section Hike: Day 3

    Tuesday, June 10, 2014
    13.1 miles to Unicoi Gap

    We survived the storm!

    I dosed off closer to midnight last night. I was sleeping good until I was awakened by the sound of rain on my tarp. I felt the foot end of my sleeping bag and it was still dry. The cool wind of the storm was blowing under my tarp and I started to shiver. I considered darting into the shelter but I was dry and it was raining hard. I turned on my side and curled up a bit and stopped shivering. The wind slowed down and I feel back asleep listening to the rain lightly hitting my tarp.

    I woke up at 6:45 AM and got up at 7. I stayed dry in my hammock all night. I ate breakfast and wiped down my tarp. We packed up and said good-bye to Kendall, Amanda, and Senator, who was kind enough to hike out our trash. He had 4 miles to go until he was catching a ride to Hiawassee. Senator has been a section hiker for a couple of years. He was hiking in Virginia in 2011 and ran into Jennifer Pharr Davis during her record-breaking hike. He was a cool guy.

    We made our way south up Kelly Knob, an easy 600 foot climb. While hiking up I began drawing arrows on the trail pointing south. After drawing the third arrow, the trail, or maybe the God of the trail, gave me a new trail name: Arrowmaker. At the top of Kelly Knob there was a campsite and small clearing in the trees with a small view. There on Kelly Knob I abandoned the name “Photo Preacher” and assumed the name “Arrowmaker.” Trail names are a AT tradition. I thought about a trail name before the hike, but I wanted to get my trail name while out hiking on the trail. I like the name. It sounds like a name given in the Native American tradition. It also has a deeper meaning. As I hiked on during the day I saw how the name really did describe my calling. I am, after all, pointing people in a certain direction. This is my calling as a father and as a pastor. So Arrowmaker it is.

    We hiked on passing a few northbound hikers. We stopped for lunch where some fallen trees formed a nice bench along side the trail. I added trail mix to my peanut butter and dried blueberry tortilla wrap and downed a liter of Gatorade before hitting the trail again. We had a 1,000-foot climb up Tray Mountain before us so I popped in my earbuds for the first time and listened to Of Monsters and Men while sweating and pounding out the steps to the Tray Mountain Shelter .2 miles off the trail and only .5 miles from the summit. I continue to hike a bit faster than John and Jeff so we picked the shelter as a place to meet and take a break before reaching the summit. I shot a video from the summit it had views looking both East and West.

    On the way down Tray Mountain, Jeff rolled his ankle. Not good. We kept walking down to the gap where he could check his ankle and it swelled to the size of a golf ball. He took some ibuprofen and we talked about where to stay for the night. It was about 3:45 PM and we were in the campsite we planned to stay at, but we talked about hiking another 4 miles to Unicoi Gap and catching a ride into Hiawassee. Staying the night in town would keep us out of the pending thunderstorm, plus we could get a shower, do laundry, and eat pizza, while Jeff rested his ankle. We were unanimous…town it was! The only thing standing in our way was Rocky Mountain, a 900-foot climb over 1.3 miles. I put my earbuds in and we were off.

    I was sweating and my heart was pounding, but I was excited to get to the top. I reached the summit in about 30 minutes. I felt like I had conquered something, summiting back-to-back mountains. It was an awesome feeling.

    On our way down we stopped to check for a signal. We called around and found a shuttle, Joyce of “Joyce and Sally.” We made it to Unicoi Gap with thunder in the distance. We hiked 13 miles, our biggest day yet. We waited in the parking lot and had to take shelter under a roof covering an information sign.

    Joyce picked us up about 15 minutes after the rain started. She took us to Hiawassee and gave us a quick tour of the town before dropping us off at the Budget Inn. We ordered pizza (Big Al’s) based on Joyce’s recommendation. We took showers and used the free Wifi to get online.

    I am going to upload this blog and try to upload videos and then watch Game 3 between the Spurs and Heat. It will be an easy day tomorrow, 8 miles to Low Gap Shelter. It will be good to do less miles to see how Jeff’s ankle is doing.