New Book Coming Soon!
BIG NEWS: I’m happy to announce that I’m signing a book contract with NavPress for my next book tentatively titled Peace and Purpose: Living the Christian Life with the Lamb at the Center. It has a tentative release date of June 2023. Thanks to David Zimmerman and the team at NavPress for believing in this project!
Authors write books because it’s a calling, an arduous, time-consuming, and often lonely calling. At least that has been my experience. I write because I cannot not write. It has been a calling that I have wrestled with for most of my life as a pastor. My primary spiritual gift, as I have come to understand it, is one of a teacher. Writing has become an extension of my life’s work as a pastor-teacher.
Securing a publisher is an equally difficult process! I have developed thick skin over the years, because looking for a publisher requires the fortitude to keep at the task of writing and seeking publication in the face of closed doors. Pitching your book idea and being told “no” time and time again can challenge one’s self-confidence. But after a handful of “nos” from other publishers, NavPress said, “Yes.”
I’m contributing a chapter to a NavPress book that comes out July 2022, Kingdom and Country: Following Jesus in the Land that You Love. Through that project I got to know David Zimmerman, the new publisher at NavPress, and felt a sense of synergy in the direction Dave is wanting to take NavPress. I pitched him the book I have been working on for nearly a year now and after a couple of months of emails, zoom calls, and waiting, he made a contract offer for this new book.
Peace and Purpose is a fresh look at Christian discipleship with Jesus, as the Lamb of God, at the center of our spiritual formation, our moral life, and our common life together. When I was 17 years-old I completed my first 2:7 small group, a discipleship course published by NavPress. Now 30 years later, I’m signing a contract to write a new discipleship book with them.
I’m both humbled and honored for this opportunity. Pray for me because I still have a lot of work to do to get this manuscript ready!
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