Resurrecting my Blog

The time has come to resurrect my blog.

I have to make a confession. It has been (a shocking) 271 days since my last blog post. Shame. Shame. Shame. Truthfully I have not blogged much in the last two years. I want to blame my lack of blogging on my increased activity on Facebook and Twitter, but the fact remains that I have not been blogging because I have grown lazy in the discipline of writing.

I do have some excuses. My family did move. I started a new job. My wife and I renovated a house. Blah. Blah. Blah. It is like my Spanish teacher in college would tell me when I told him that I did not have my homework: ninguna excusa (absolutely no excuse). So I am looking to resurrect my blog or rather resuscitate it. I do feel that my blogging will come to an end at some time, so this is more of a resuscitation. I have a couple of reasons for resuming the blog.

First, I am in-between writing projects and I need the “writing exercise.”  My primary calling is that of a teacher, both verbally through preaching and teaching in the context of the local church and through writing. I have self-published two books and I am still hold out hope to get them re-worked and re-released by a mainstream publisher. Currently, I am not working on a manuscript (although if you are a publisher interested in seeing a manuscript or book proposal let me know!). While I am not working on a book manuscript, blogging serves as a great way to keep me in the habit of writing.

Second, I have posted some good thoughts on Facebook and Twitter that could be developed into blog posts. Whenever I have sent out rapid-fire tweets with 3, 4, or 5 tweets in a row, I should have saved them and expanded them into a blog post. I may look over past tweets and Facebook posts and see if I can work them into a blog post.

Third, I have been reading a number of blogs recently and I enjoy the medium. There are a number of Christians blogs I read regularly including Todd Rhodes, Scot McKnight, Ed Stetzer, Trevin Wax, and (my pastor) Brian Zahnd. But recently I have been reading the blogs of AT Thru-hikers. I am currently fixated on these insane folks who give up 5-6 months of their lives to hike the 2,181 miles of the Appalachian Trial from Georgia to Maine. I have enjoyed blogs here and here and here.

Fourth, I have written a blog post for another blog that will be published next month. I submitted a post to, the theological resourcing blog of Asbury Seminary. In writing an 800-word blog post for them, I thought “This isn’t so hard. I should do this more often.” I figure that since I am going to be a “guest blogger,” I ought to go to work on my own blog. 🙂

So here I go. I pray for some consistency in blogging these days. I have been blogging since 2006. I started my blog to chronicle a trip to India, but the blog has really been a way to chronicle my spiritual journey. It has given me way to work out what has been going on in my heart and mind and life, as I have grown as a pastor, father, husband, and follower of Christ. So, with God’s help and encouragement to friends, here goes another attempt at the blog.