Cyprian Norwid

In preparing for a week full of activity (notice I did not use the word b*sy, which I have agreed to remove from my vocabulary when used with the first person “I am…”), I have found myself mulling over a statement from Polish poet, Cyprian Norwid. (I was reading Relevant Magazine and read this quote in an article by Craig Borlase…thanks Craig.) Norwid was born in Poland and traveled through out Europe before immigrating to the US in 1853. Pope John Paul II called Norwid “one of Christian Europe’s greatest poets and thinkers,” noting that Norwid’s thinking and writing “reinforced our hope in God” during the Nazi occupation of Poland. Nowrid died in poverty and obscurity, but currently there seems to be a revival of his work. Norwid’s statement is in the context of the three essential requirements for a fulfilling life. Norwid answers:

something to live on, something to live for and something to die for. The lack of one of these attributes results in drama. The lack of two results in tragedy.

My tendency would be to over-analysize this statement with fruitless questions like… “What does he mean by that….what does he mean here…etc.” I think it is better left unexamined. Instead, I want these words to roll around in my head in more of meditative form….something to live on, something to live for, something to die for… Is this the kind of life that I am living? This life/death kind of living is fulfilling because it is transcendent…it takes us beyond ourselves. Am I ready for that challenge? I want to go beyond myself, but I feel the kingdom of self pulling me back in…God help me! Those who inspire me and form our heros in film and literature are those who go beyond…who have found something worth living on, living for and dying for. I don’t want my life to be a tragedy…and I don’t want no drama.